
Posts Tagged ‘YouTube’

I want to keep you up to speed on all the latest TV news, so here are a few tidbits you should hear if you haven’t already:

Pushing Daisies will be back!  But only to finish out its season.  But the specifics are, unsurprisingly, vague from ABC.  Insiders have reported that it could be mid-summer, so keep your eyes peeled around June.

photo courtesy ABC.com

photo courtesy ABC.com



At long last, the legal brouhaha over Project Runway is over.  The details don’t really matter to us, the fans – all you need to know is it will air on Lifetime very soon.  Expect to see season six episodes sometime this summer.  The whole season has already been filmed, so they just need to broadcast it!  (After marketing it heavily during TV movies starring Melissa Gilbert and Lindsay Wagner, of course.)


Lastly, I want to continue sharing the love that is Susan Boyle.  I feel like I’ve told everyone in the free world to watch this clip, but in case you missed, become one of the 12 million hits on YouTube!


TV tidbits

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